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We Are Pyramids - The Reconnective Healing Frequency and Pyramid Power

Writer's picture: JUNE-I BJUNE-I B

Updated: Mar 4, 2020

Ever since I decided to make videos for YouTube ( @inbetweeness1111 ), I wanted to talk about pyramid power and pyramid energy.

My serious awakening started with all the information about the pyramids, the secret geometry, the source, the field, the vacuum, the torsion field, the black hole in the holographic universe, the electric universe, the toroidal universe and our physical, biological and spiritual connection to ALL that is.

So, I don’t know why I was suddenly so obsessed with the pyramids and water, but when I look back into my childhood,

in school, we were all asked “if you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?”

And my answer was Egypt without knowing much about it at all other than that there where the pyramids … I was not particularly obsessed, or knowledgeable. I just knew I wanted to go to Egypt.

But as I got older, and got preoccupied with many other things of concerns and interests, I forgot all about it.

But then, when I lived in New York in my late teens and early 20’s, my favorite place was the Temple of Dendur, at the Egyptian wing of the Met at sunset. When it became so dark inside and people would leave the place because they keep the wing very dark there, so I would be there pretty much all by myself. Again, I was not obsessed or especially knowledgeable of the Egyptian temple. I just knew that I felt calm there.

So after my “awakening” started, the more I obsessively learned about the pyramid power and its connection to the universe, the more I became obsessed with “healing” and my desire to physically participate in the process of “healing” became greater and greater…so naturally I started looking into various modalities.

And that’s when I came across the Reconnective Healing and its frequency.

And this light and Frequency came so fast and natural to me…as I quickly made connection to the “pyramid energy”. I’ve learned how the Pyramid energy connects you through the sacred geometry into acceleration of your Karma - a fast track to the process of ascension, so to speak.

And I thought that the description of the Reconnection and the Reconnective frequency sounds just like it.

So I became curious to find out what is like to “connect” to the sacred geometry and accelerate my ascension process. So just like that, I got Reconnected. (*See Ref for The Personal Reconnection)

Then I realized that the Reconnection makes US pyramids. We are becoming pyramids all over the planet.

I am becoming a pyramid! No, I became a pyramid!

Have you seen the movie “Contact” with Judy Foster? It explains how the universe only gives you what you are ready for and you can only take a little bit at a time, ever so gradually and it’s been that way for billions of years.

Because “We cannot perceive what we are not in the vibration of” as Bashar (channeled by Darryl Anka) says.

We can only experience what we are the vibration of…

That is one of the reasons why different levels and kinds of “spiritual teachings” tend to contradict each other or themselves.

Because what we perceive as “truth” changes as our vibrations change.

So somehow, being exposed to this coherent frequency of the true essence , you become the higher vibration and you end up EXPERIENCING the things you’ve always considered as “mystical”, “other worldly”, and “miraculous” such as “spontaneous healing” as a side effect.

Now the evidences from the scientific experiments conducted by Dr. William Tiller of Stanford University show when a Reconnective Healing Practitioner (like me!) is facilitating, it repairs unwound DNA’s, it rewinds the DNA’s.

Tiller says that it’s healing the environment, the atmosphere.

And he went on to say that it is actually healing the world.

So you see what I mean by “We are becoming the pyramids of the world”.

Pyramids are also said to be the acupuncture of the planet that is why they are built on top of the earth’s meridian lines just like the human meridian channels going through fascia.

Acupuncture carries photons through paraptosis (which is contractions)

And Pyramids around the world function to make earthquakes and other catastrophic storms smaller.

And the reason why some “light workers” are guided to move to places of earthquakes, like California is because they ARE pyramids. And evidently in certain areas in California do not get earthquakes as big as previously predicted because of the amount of light workers living there.


And we ARE accelerating this process with the Reconnective Healing Frequencies. Through us the world is awakening to new levels of consciousness.

Now What’s interesting is when I started looking into the Russian studies of the “Torsion Field Generator”

And how the hidden energy generated by the torsion fields exist in nature like in Beehives… but it’s really, actually everywhere in nature, trees use it, plants, flowers and insect wings create the same fields. That’s how they instinctively operate and “know” what to do and where to go… Flowers even create the frequency to attract bugs.

But I will save my findings in connection between the Torsion Field and the Reconnective frequency for another time.

I’ve been drinking pyramid water charged in a small homemade pyramid.

The word Pyramid derived from the Greek word Pyramida which means Fire in the Middle.

Pyramid shape(AKA: shape power) generates toroidal energy to create a black hole in the center creating a portal that connects into all dimensions of the planet. And that creates coherence in molecular structures that puts our DNA back into its original order by collecting photons as necessary information (which is the smallest particles of light and what DNA uses to heal itself).

So it basically creates light in the middle (hence"fire in the middle") which is frequency.

And water being a multi-dimensional form of crystal and the record keeper of the universe, it records the resonance communication within the frequency.

So when you drink the water that’s been charged in the middle of a pyramid, your DNA quickly responds and starts to adept itself into the coherent information created by the interaction and entrainment with the frequency.

So I naturally wondered about what the Reconnective Healing Frequency would do to the water. Can we use it to charge water, since I AM A PYRAMID?

Then I found a video that actually talked about that by EVERYDAY MASTERS. Case from EVERYDAY MASTERS asked Dr. Pearl about Dr. Emoto’s experiments with words (which are frequencies) and was they do to water. Dr. Pearl, of course knew Dr. Emoto in person and has been there to participate in an experiment with the Reconnective Healing Frequency on water.

If you do not know what Dr. Emoto’s water experiment is, I am putting a link below for more info. But he basically put different words on the container of the water, some positive, some negative and super freeze the water and create crystals.

And positive words like "peace" and "love" create beautifully symmetrical snow flake like crystals and negative ones like "war" and "hate" create uneven messy looking crystals.

Now, as you can imagine, the water that was exposed with the Reconnective Healing Frequency. The crystals came out absolutely beautiful. And I believe that was originally a quite contaminated water, so YOU KNOW the frequency is doing SOMETHING for sure.

Now, when Case asked Dr. Pearl about charging water before drinking and his answer was “why would you have to do that?” because you ARE the frequency. Just drink the water.

So I think this is it for today on my discoveries and thoughts on the pyramid power and the Reconnective Healing frequency.

As I said before, I want to talk more about the energy field created by nature and how it’s all around us and how we can tap into it with the Reconnective Healing frequency, in my opinion.

Oh, and I want to talk about water. The water as the record keeper of the universe and how it’s literally is a computer. I want to show you some scientific experiments and proofs of how water and the secret geometry that already is present in the field can manifest a DNA with he use of a simple laser beam. And we as humans, too create "laser beams".

And how I believe that is how Bill McKenna’s technique for healing with water works.

And How it’s even connected to the LOA and aspects of the Reconnective Healing.

Ok, I am off to be with my toddler girl!

Dr. Emoto's Water Experiment

The Personal Reconnection

Reconnective Healing Frequency

William Tiller on Reconnective Healing

Watch my videos on YouTube


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